Test Reports
Are Test Reports for Your Project Providing All the Information You Need?
Bill Hoberecht - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When conducting planning discussions with a test manager, Project Managers’ typically focus their attentions on the scheduling of test activities. All too often the topics of test goals and status reporting are ignored, the tacit assumption being that there is agreement in these areas. Effective Project Managers prepare for planning discussions on these often-ignored topics, ensure that these discussions are conducted, and that agreement is reached. This article outlines the Project Manager’s preparatory steps and describes a Test Reports toolkit that each project manager should have.
Project Managers: Identify Your Information Requirements and get the Reporting that You Need
Bill Hoberecht - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One important, but frequently overlooked element of planning a project is agreeing on the content, format and frequency of status reports that a test manager will provide to the project manager. A project manager can prepare for these discussions with the test manager by assembling a toolkit of information about test status reporting – the contents of this toolkit include example test goals, a set of questions that provide insight into progress in accomplishing those goals, and a set of example test status reports. This article provides example test goals and questions, and gives additional guidance on assembling a set of example test reports.