Organizing Information About Your Project's Goals, Plans and Status
Bill Hoberecht - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sometimes you can anticipate a request for presenting information about your project's plan and status, while other times these "requests" arrive when you least expect it. One thing is for sure: you can easily be overburdened with preparations if you don't already have a standard presentation format and outline to guide you. Here's a presentation template for a "Deep Dive" review that organizes information about your project for presentation to your stakeholders.
Is it time for a Project Deep Dive Review?
If this is your situation: | Then: | |
Introducing The Deep Dive Review
The Project Deep Dive Review is a broad and deep presentation & discussion involving project leaders, program management, and senior leaders. It serves to accurately convey information about a project's plans, the progress in executing those plans, and the prognosis for success.
Our Deep Dive materials (described and provided below) are comprehensive and suggest that the discussion delve into many topics that typically don't appear on a weekly status report - yet these are important topics. The 40 minute audio presentation describes each topic area, illustrating the value of that information.
As with all of our materials, the provided template is a good starting point for determining the best set of information to present for your particular project.